Student Travel Funding

Explore Your Funding Options

At Nova Southeastern University’s Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, we believe in empowering students to actively engage in leadership roles and showcase their research with national organizations. Discover the various funding opportunities designed to ease the financial burden of attending these valuable meetings and events.

Support for Student Organizations

If your student organization is looking to send representatives to a meeting, we encourage providing financial assistance. The PAN Student Government Association offers grant money each term, and the online application is accessible within the first few weeks of each term. Your Student Government Association president will notify you when the application is live.

Financial Assistance for Students

We provide support for research presentations, national officers, and Student Government representatives. Limited funds are also allocated for a select number of students attending prestigious events like the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) Annual Meeting, Osteopathic Medical Education Conference (OMED) Annual Meeting, Florida Osteopathic Medical Association (FOMA) Annual Meeting, and DO Day on the Hill in both Washington DC and Tallahassee. Funding is awarded on a first-come basis.

Guidelines for Funding Allocation

  • In cases of limited funds, students are generally approved for one meeting per year unless serving as a College of Osteopathic Medicine representative.
  • National officers for specialty organizations receive funding for annual sessions, provided the organization contributes some funding.
  • National officers for AACOM, FOMA, and OMED are funded for meetings where voting and attendance are expected.
  • Students are eligible for funding for one poster presentation per year, supporting both the lead author and the presenter (if different).

Applying for Funding

Students can apply for one meeting or poster presentation per academic year. Additional requests may be considered if funds are available. Approval is granted on a first-come basis when funding is limited to a specific number of students.

To be eligible for financial assistance, students must maintain a satisfactory academic record, with no more than three failed credit hours.

To request travel funds, complete the Application for Travel Funding (PDF) form and submit it to, and review the Student Travel Policy Agreement (PDF). Please note that applications will only be considered when all necessary supporting documentation and information are provided, so take the time to read the policy carefully.